Marketing calendars

Whole, healthy fruits, with the characteristic color of each variety, from soft red to shiny black, harvested with the stem.
Firm and crunchy. Very sweet and pleasant flavor and slightly sub-acid in some varieties.

Whole fruits, without defects, collected with the characteristic color of each variety and at their optimal point of ripeness. With color according to the variety, from soft orange to strong orange and with a red veneer.
Firm and refreshing, with a sweet and pleasant taste, slightly acid in some varieties.

Whole, healthy fruits with the characteristic color of each variety, from bright yellow to deep black.
Firm and with a sweet and pleasant flavor, slightly acid in some varieties.

Whole, healthy fruits with yellow or white flesh, with a characteristic red color of each variety.
Firm, crunchy and juicy texture, with an intense sweet flavor, slightly acid and refreshing in some varieties.

Whole, healthy fruits, with color or colors characteristic of each variety. yellow meat. Depending on the variety, from soft yellow to intense red.
Generally firm texture, but somewhat melting in some varieties and with a very sweet and pleasant flavor.

Flat peach
Whole, healthy fruits. White meat. With intense red color in most varieties.
Firm, crunchy and juicy texture. Very sweet flavor and fruit easy to eat.